What Do Cosmos Seeds Look Like? How To Grow Cosmos Flowers

What Do Cosmos Seeds Look Like? How To Grow Cosmos Flowers

What do cosmos seeds look like? Cosmos seeds, a vibrant and popular flower in gardens, always bring exquisite beauty and charm. To better understand the process of growing and caring for this flower, learning about Cosmos seeds is necessary. Cosmos seeds are not only the starting point for a beautiful flowering plant but also contain interesting information about how nature gives life to this plant. In this article, Garden Creatives will explore what do cosmos seeds look like, their characteristics, and how to grow Cosmos seeds for a colorful garden.

What do cosmos seeds look like?

Cosmos seeds are elongated and small in shape, like rice grains but thinner and dark brown or black in color. The surface of the grain may have some small veins or burrs. Cosmos seeds are very light and easy to plant. When sowing, you just need to spread the seeds on the ground and gently press down, then water to keep the soil moist. Seeds will germinate within 7-10 days if grown in ideal conditions.

Types of fake star flowers

Cosmos bipinnatus in English is Cosmos bipinnatus, also known by many other names such as star plant, star chrysanthemum, dragonfly flower, butterfly flower, starflower, western marigold, belongs to the Asteraceae family and has a source Native to tropical America.

The star flower has a thin stem, grows in bushes, has a height of 30cm – 60cm, and grows upright. The leaves of the star flower are compound leaves 3 times, often growing alternately with each other. The leaflets are tapered, small in size, and dark green in color matching the color of the stem.

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It takes 50 – 60 days to flower when planted with star plants. The full blooming season usually falls in late summer or mid-autumn. Starflowers grow singly at the top, each cluster has 5-7 flowers, each flower usually has about 8 petals.

Popular types of starflowers today include double starflowers and single starflowers, with many colors such as yellow, white, purple, red, and pink… or you can plant multicolored starflowers for your area. The garden is more sparkling.

Meaning of star flower

With shimmering colors and gentle fragrance, star flowers create a pleasant, relaxing, and comfortable feeling for flower lovers. Although the tree looks fragile, the vitality of the tree is strong, the star flower represents effort in life.

In addition, the star flower also symbolizes faithful love, although small but still strong enough to rise up, as a word of sharing and comfort for those who are suffering, always be strong and happiness will come.

In addition to their beauty and meaningful uses, star flowers also have the effect of purifying the air, eliminating toxic substances that affect health, and creating a fresh, clean atmosphere for the house. .

How to grow cosmos flowers with seeds

The most popular method of growing starflowers is to plant them with seeds, this method is quite simple and anyone can easily do it at home.

For imitation starflower seeds, you can choose seeds that are large, strong, not flat, or damaged by worms, or you can buy from reputable brands at quality seed establishments.

Starflower seeds germinate easily, so you can skip the soaking step and just sow the seeds directly into the seed growing medium such as coco peat medium, smoked rice husk medium, or Sfarm seed growing medium.

After sowing the seeds, lightly water the seeds to keep them moist. During the first week of sowing the seeds, place them in a place away from the sun to help the seeds sprout quickly. After 1 week, bring the plants out to receive light.

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Provide daily moisture to the plant. About 1 week after sowing, the seeds will take root and germinate. When the seedlings are big enough, you can plant them in pots or in the garden…

For soil to grow star flowers, you can choose loam soils, sandy soils, fertile alluvial soils… that retain moisture well, are loose, have good drainage, are high in nutrients, and are clean of pathogens.

You can mix the soil for planting star flowers in the ratio of 3 clean soils for growing plants: 3 earthworm compost: 2 coco peat substrates: 2 smoked rice husk substrates. Or you can use Sfarm organic clean soil for ornamental flowers because this soil is pre-mixed so you can use it immediately.

For imitation flower pots, you can use plastic pots, ceramic tabletop pots or railing flower pots, depending on the location you want to display. Wait until the seedling is about 8cm – 10cm tall and has 4 – 5 pairs of leaves, then plant it in a pot.

You fill 2/3 of the pot with soil first and then plant the seedlings. Fill the pot with soil and gently compress the soil around the roots. You can use a tree stand to help the tree stand more firmly, avoiding damage from external factors.

After planting the seedlings in pots, immediately water the seedlings with N3M, Humic Acid 322, Vitamin B1 Super Root, Acroot, Org Hum, Terra Sorb Root, and Foliar Fertilizer…, then use periodically every 7 – 10 days. time.

Caring for cosmos flowers

To take care of the star flower, you water it twice a day in the morning and late afternoon. If it is the rainy season, you should limit watering and pay attention to cover and check to keep the soil from being waterlogged because it will cause the plant to grow. Starflowers have root rot.

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After about 1 month of planting in a pot, you add nutrients to the plant. You use organic fertilizers such as earthworm compost, fish protein, oil cake fertilizer, and seaweed… every 15 – 20 days.

If you see that the tree is weak and not green, you can use NPK synthetic fertilizers to help the tree grow quickly such as 20-20-15, 30-10-10, 30-9-9… you should mix it with water. Then water for best absorption.

When the plants flower, you add fertilizer lines with high potassium content such as 6-30-30, 15-20-25, Single Potassium, KNO3… to stimulate flower growth, help flowers bloom, and stimulate growth. Large size, longer durability.

When the flowers fade, you add organic fertilizer to each flower cluster, allowing the plant to recover and get accumulated nutrients for the next flowering season. At the same time, you prune off spent flowers and dry, weak branches to help the tree grow back quickly.

The star flower has high resistance against pests, so the plant is rarely infected, but you can prevent pests by spraying garlic solution every 10 days.


As such, the article on Garden Creatives answered the question of what do cosmos seeds look like. Although Cosmos seeds are small, they carry within them the power of life, ready to germinate and grow into beautiful flowers. By applying the correct planting and care techniques, you will be able to admire the wonderful beauty of Cosmos in your garden. Start from small seeds to bring joy and freshness to your living space.

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